Week 8
I started this week by comparing the State Time courses (Gammas) of the two HMM models using a function in the toolbox. I then used the outputs to find matching states between the two models. Then I compared Lifetimes, Interval Times, and Fractional Occupancies of matching states and plotted it. At first, I only generated figures for the first subject. It turned out that calculating the Lifetimes, Interval Times, and Fractional Occupancies would optimally be done using the Viterbi Path extracted from the model rather than the Gammas, so I had to switch around the Viterbi Path to match the new state pairings. Then I adapted my code to process all this for all subjects of the same frequency band and plotted this. (The plots you saw today). Additionally, for visualization purposes, the Amplitude Coupling data was organized in descending order (Phase Coupling data was arranged accordingly).